A little info and my inspiration...

My daughter was born on June 13, 2009 at 11:40pm.  I was in love with her at first glance and every day I fall even more in love with her.  My husband and I were married on September 6, 2008 (about 9 months before Maeberry was born) and he is another person that I fall more and more in love with each and every day.  I am very lucky to have such a wonderful husband and daughter in my life and want to share that with the world.  They have given me so much inspiration to be the best woman that I can be, to be the best mother and to be the best wife in the world.  Now, don't get me wrong, I am not saying that I am the best mother and wife in the world, but they have given me the inspiration to try.  They have given me inspiration to talk about them and share our life with the world, to chat with other moms, to share pictures, milestones, maybe even share some deep dark secrets, but we'll have to wait and see about that.

Another huge piece of inspiration to move on from my old (and rather boring blog) to this one was that we had recently found out that we were expecting another baby!  We were overjoyed and so excited that Maeberry would soon have a little brother or sister and that we would get to welcome a new life into the world.  I thought that this would be a great time to make the switch from the old blog to something more interactive, fun and enjoyable for anyone who reads it.  However, what started off as a super happy time of our lives was soon shattered as I started to have really bad stabbing pain at about 5 weeks pregnant... More about that in another post...

Regardless of the outcome of that pregnancy, I still wanted to share our lives with the blogosphere in hopes that people may stumble upon it and give it a quick read. I wanted to share things like the bliss of having a 2 year old daughter, to how my 2 year old daughter sometimes makes me want to pull my hair out. From how I love to cook, but at times wish that I didn't even know how to boil water. From how I work from home and for weeks at a time only get 2 hours of sleep a night, but I love my job and somehow survive (THANKS TO COFFEE) -- and everything in between!

Will you share my blog with others and will you visit me again?

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